On this page there are some projects I worked on the last 3 years of my life. Most of these projects were in a school environment with a project group from 6 to 8 eight students. Allthough there are also some projects with less people or entirely on my own. With these projects I want to show what I'm used to work on and the result of my work.
Project titan is a first person shooter in space created by a group of 7 people of which 3 people were working on the art and 4 working as programmers with each there own part. The gameplay included a first person experience with use of the Oculus Rift
The project was thought of and finished in 3 weeks. It was the first the time for me to work with a device like the Oculus Rift.
I mainly worked on the enemy AI in the game. Which were basicly different kinds of star fighters flying in formation. But I also worked on level loading, gameplay etc.
This game was made for the Global Game Jam 2016. The theme of this jam was Ritual. So our group decided to
make a game about totems. This ended up in a game about two cats. I am not entirerely sure how that happened.
It's a fun game made with 5 people. For those who don't know global game jam here is a link.
In project Third Person we created a game in an OpenGL engine. We tried to combine a 3D envrionmont combined with 2D animations. Which worked out pretty good. In this game I worked on level design, colliders and puzzle sliding.
Evaluating this game I would've chosen to create a scripting shell around C++ engine because working straight in the engine got confusing in the end.
This game is my first experience with creating a game. It is made with 2 people, an artist and myself. Creating this game teached me the basics of coding and creating games. A simple arena button basher is the result.
I did all the code on this project because the second person did all the art. Level design is not really present in this game I just tried to place the objects so it looks nice since I was the programmer I also created the levels. Thats how we worked back than.
This project is the first project I worked on in Unity. On this I worked with xml parsing and mainly just creating games in unity. This include working with scenes, prefabs etc.
We also decided to add voice acting in the game and a choice based story. For the knowledge I had back than it was a pretty ambitious project. Looking at it now I would have done a lot of things different offcourse, coding wise, but it is a game I will allways like because of it's nature.
On physics I did some research especially Verlet and ragdoll physics. I also played around with it in a DirectX engine created by a friend of mine. For this I didn't want to use any external libraries myself so I decided to work with DirectXMath and other libraries which were allready used in the engine.
I tried making the physics so it would be easily plugable in any engine. Offcourse the engine should be DirectX right now.
This is still work in progress, but it is the current version.
A serious game I made for a museum. It is meant to teach kids about different kinds of waves. So we decided to make gameplay by putting all kinds of stuff in a microwave and by rubbing the water molecules on the object. The microwave and the object will react like they will in real life.
For this I worked with animations in Unity and also learned a lot about communcating with non programmers in a project. People like designers and artists.